Saturday, 13 June 2020

How To Search On Google Like A Pro

How To Search On Google Like A Pro

Here we see some procedures that may help us in searching and we discuss how to search on google like a pro.
Exact Words & Phrases
Quote marks are used to search for a specific phrase or word. For example, you'll only get pages that contain the word "hello'' followed by the word ''computer'' you'll type in google search "hello computer".
"Hello computer"
Excluding A Word
The minus sign allows you to specify words that shouldn't appear in your results. For example, if you are looking for pages about Linux forms that don't mention Ubuntu use the "Linux forms -Ubuntu" search.
Linux forms -Ubuntu
Site Search
The site operator allows you to perform a search on a specific site.
Let say you're looking for information on HTML on w3source. You colored use the "site; HTML".
“Site: HTML”
Related Words
 The tilde (~) operator of enclosing a single word in quotes it searches for related words, not just the word you type. For example, if you search you did find search results with words similar to “geek”.
Time Ranges
A little known search operator allows you to define an exacting time range. For example, you search to find results about Ubuntu from between 2010 and 2020.
“Ubuntu 2010... 2020”
The Wildcard
The asterisk (*) is a wildcard that can match any word. Each * describes just one or move words. Google considers the * as a placeholder for a word or more than one word.
“Uncaught type error: cannot read property *”
File Type
The filetype: The operator lets you search for a file of a specific file type. For example, you could search for only pdf files.
“Filetype: pdf clean code”
Using Intitle, Intext, And Inurl
Intitle: search only in the title of the page for a word a phrase.
Intitle:” java vs JavaScript”
Intext: search for a word or phrase (in quotes) but only in the body of document text.
Intext:”c vs c++ vs c#”
Inurl: look for a word or phrase (in quotes) in the document URL.

Tesla announcement inurl: 2018

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